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As a life coach, I help you to identify and remove, any barriers that are holding you back.


My only priority is you.


My clients access safe spaces, fuelled by emotional intelligence and compassion, enabling them to thrive, achieve their goals, and unlock their full potential.

Step into your power and reclaim your joy!

I help people to find balance, improve their confidence and feel empowered to achieve their goals.

Juggling 'life' can create overwhelm, and exhaustion, ebbing away at confidence, and impacting wellbeing. It isn’t uncommon, and coaching can help you to reconnect, feel fulfilled and in control.

Whether you want to improve your work life balance, re-evaluate your goals, or feel more confident and connected to yourself, you have the answers within you, and I can help you to bring them out!

My leadership experience and expertise is in children's services, but I coach people from all professions, and diverse demographics.


Email me for more info, or book a free, no obligation discovery call, to see how I might help.

Empowering you, to safeguard them

For Social Care Professionals. Whether you are a
practitioner, manager, or senior leader. Book a call and see how you can find
balance and reclaim your purpose, with the support from someone who has been
there, and more importantly, understands.

Meet Carolyn

Certified Coach - Jay Shetty Certification Program

I have lead operational teams through restructure, improvement journeys, and service re-design. However, my real passion is helping people to grow and achieve their personal and/or professional goals.


Coaching offers me a unique opportunity, to focus only on the person in front of me, helping them be the best they can be. As a single Mum of 2, now grown up children, I also fully appreciate the additional challenges of balancing a career and a growing family.


If you want to learn how to step into your power and unlock your full potential, book a free discovery call and find out how I might help.


You too, might uncover the power of coaching, bringing you a more positive, balanced perspective, creating increased success at work, and all other areas of your life.

If you choose to invest in your development through coaching, you won't look back. The magic happens when you can feel yourself driving your own transformation, through self-directed, achievable goals. You will always feel in control, and will complete the journey with renewed motivation, clarity and confidence.

Selfie of Carolyn Womack-Jones

It always seems impossible,

until it is done

- Nelson Mandela 

 Client Testimonials

I began my coaching journey, feeling very overwhelmed and out of control, consumed by my work as a social work practitioner. I had the feeling of losing myself as a person. I was working hours on end, and my life was consumed by work. I knew, and I could see, what was happening, but felt so out of control, I didn't know how to 'pull it back' like I have before. I knew I needed to stop, but couldn't, despite talking to colleagues and taking advice.


Guilt towards my family and friends was really strong, because I was lost in work. There was also guilt for the children and families I support, because of how I felt.


Coaching with Carolyn is a journey. My sessions have given me a space to share, reflect, and start to use the tools I developed in coaching sessions, in all areas of my life. It is a little hard to describe .. It isn't therapy (I've tried this) or a space to 'rant', but a space to 'bring it back to me' allowing me to make safe changes, within my limits.

It has given me clarity, in a rational, safe, way and I am implementing changes within my control.

- Social Work Client, Jan 2025

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Book A Free Discovery Call



Certified Life Coach  - Jay Shetty Certification Program 


Associate Member - Association for Coaching


BA(Hons) Social Work, The Open University 2010 

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